Week 3

Published March 23, 2012 by senoritaliverpool

This week Dr.Zul introduce us to his wordpress, drzulkifliahmad.wordpress.com that purposely made for his students to share knowledge, information, experiences, skills pertaining to CALL( Computer Assisted Language Learning). During this week lecture also we were given our task for this subject in more details rather than the simple explanation from the first week.

Project 1

Find 5 Facebook friends according to the 5 Domain Personalities and do a research about the word concordance using AntConc. 

Project 2

Make a questionnaire about the aspect that is being imply by the Facebook users using Survey Monkey.

Project 3

Create our own WordPress so that we can write the results from our research about the language and personalities of Facebook users.

Project 4

Test 1 and 2

We were also advised to consult with our lecturer, Dr.Zaini about this and the improvement of our reseacrh about the 5 Facebook friends Domain Personalities.

Quote for the post: Inspiration creates Motivation 🙂

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